And Then I Met Your Mother



⁣Rejected and disappointed in his loved one, the Fox embarks on a long journey to discover the meaning of life and better understand himself. Trying on different roles, the lead character realizes that his true destiny is to be just a Fox in his Native Forest. It is exactly then the fateful meeting takes place.

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Film info

Original title of the film: А потом я встретил вашу маму
Country of origin: Russian Federation
Year of origin: 2023
Duration: 5:24
Age Restriction: 0+

Author / Studio / Institution

Name/Title: Fireball Studio

Creative team

Director: Maria Saveleva
Script: Maria Saveleva
Artwork: Maria Saveleva
Animation: Maria Gavrilenko
Music: Vladiimr Goloukhov
Sound: Alexey Kvitko
Producer: Olga Granovskaya


Comedy, Love story, Adventure


2D Computer

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