Results of the film selection

We are glad to share with you the results of the selection of the films for the festival programs.

In total, almost 1,500 applications were submitted for the films selection.

All festival programs include 347 animated shorts from 63 Countries.

184 shorts were selected for the competition programs of the festival.

49 shorts were included in the “Storyline films” competition program.
29 shorts were included in the “Experimental animation” competition program.
39 shorts were included in the “Student films” competition program.
23 shorts were included in the “Musical Motives” competition program.
44 shorts were included in the “Human Factor” competition program.

The following programs are judged by the jury and the editorial board of the festival:

“Storyline films” competition program.
“Experimental animation” competition program.
“Student films” competition program.

The following programs are judged only by the editorial board of the festival:

“Musical Motives” competition program.
“Human Factor” competition program.

112 shorts were selected for the Out-of-competition programs of the festival.

48 shorts were included in the “Storyline films” Out-of-competition program.
20 shorts were included in the “Experimental animation” Out-of-competition program.
44 works were included in the “Student films” Out-of-competition program.

The following programs are presented at the festival:

A program with funny films by directors Nicolas Bianco-Levrin and Julie Rembauville from France – “11 Stories by Nicolas & Julie”.

Beautiful student shorts program from France by ECV – Creative Schools & Community provided by a distribution company Yummy Films – “Student Films by ECV”

An interesting and varied program of student films from Taiwan by National Yunlin University of Science and Technology – “Taiwan Film Program”

A retrospective of experimental animation by Eric Leiser – “Eric Leiser’s Experimental Shorts”. Eric Leiser is an award-winning artist, experimental filmmaker, animator and holographer working in New York and born in California. An alumni of CalArts Experimental Animation program, he creates intricate works of film, sculpture, holography and painting along with film installation integrating animation, painting, sculpture, holography and live perfor-mance.

We are waiting for you at the festival from April 7th until April 30th.

Your T-Short team!